It’s game 6 of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Pittsburgh Penguins vs. The Nashville Whatevers (seriously, what is their name?)
Anyway, although tonight’s game is taking place in Nashville, I’m making a tasty nibble inspired by the original home of the Pittsburgh Penguins–the Civic Arena.
You may remember it from the 1995 Jean-Claude Van Damme film, Sudden Death.
I will always remember it as The Igloo.
So, in honor of tonight’s game I looked to one of my new acquisitions, 500 Snacks (1950) from the Culinary Arts Institute, and selected the aptly named Igloo Canapes.
Cook eggs. Stuff eggs. Put eggs on cream cheese-slathered bread.
Done. And. Done.
So does it look like The Igloo???

You tell me.
Let’s Go Pens! The City of Champions needs another shiny trophy!
Legit, what’s the anchovy filling? I do enjoy your blog. Thanks!
mashed anchovies, mashed hard boiled egg yolks, Parmesan cheese, cayenne, and cream to moisten.