I received a copy of the Esquire Cook-Book as a Christmas gift last year (thanks, mum!)

Now, mine didn’t have it, but here is the original book jacket:
So, yes, being Esquire, it is directed to men. To teach them the basics of cooking and entertaining, not much different than the The Playboy Gourmet (1977)and Playboy’s Host & Bar Book (1971).
But unlike those cookbooks with glossy color photos, this one is peppered with adorable drawings.And some of the copy is absolutely fabulous.
The cover says: For the pioneering male with a taste for fine food, and for the woman who wants to be the perfect hostess, here is a beautiful, unique, and practical guide to the best in eating, with over 750 delicious recipes. More than 200 illustrations in color by CHARMATZ.
I love that a man who would want a cookbook in 1955 would be considered a “pioneering male.” To boldly go where no man has gone before–the kitchen. Don’t guys realize that one of the best ways to impress a chick is by cooking for them?
Oh. Speaking of men–I’m online dating again. I’m Bumbling. OK, well I’ve always been bumbling, but now I’m on Bumbler. It’s a stupid name, but the whole situation is stupid, so it’s fitting.
So I’ve been doing the app and chatting and have gotten to the place where it’s like, “let’s make plans!” with two different guys. Well, we make the plans and then I text to confirm the day before or that morning, “are we still getting together?”
I received this response from Guy 1:
“Here’s where I am…I went on a couple dates with someone else and I think that’s the direction I’m going. I’ve done the multiple person dating thing and it can get tricky, especially if I like you. So we should cancel tonight. I kinda botched that, I am sorry.”
And then this response from Guy 2:
“Hey Emily…so sorry about yesterday. I’ve been cramming in last minute stuff for the semester. Unfortunately, I’ve met someone I’m really interested in dating and I’m not the type of person to date multiple people – it just takes a lot of time and energy that I don’t really have.
You seem like a super great woman, Emily, and I wish you all the best on finding a great guy!”
Basically I have been rejected twice without even meeting the dudes. TWICE. And with essentially the same text message.
But I guess I’m super great…?
Yeah, so I’m back at it. I hope that all of you are happy.
But now back to the cookbook!
I really wish that I had picked a better recipe to share with you from this fabulous cookbook, but I made it the same evening as the Cold Bisque of Shrimp Soup so I had a full dinner.
Anyway, I chose this recipe because I really love Caesar Salad, and that is basically what this is. I’ve been on a quest to find a good one for a very long time:
This was pretty good. But I still really don’t know how one would eat this with just their fingers. Seriously.
This is the first post that I read on this blog, and I’m hooked. The comments about online dating brought me back to my own days of trying that- and all of the hysterical laughter that came with it. If you get to date someone that’s great, and otherwise it’s just a huge source of entertainment.
Best of luck to you!
Thanks! There are a lot more stories about the blog. Just click on the “dating” or “Okcupid” tags.
Although these days I’m on Bumble.
Help us God.
Well, my young friend, I just realized I haven’t stopped by in forever! I have some catching up to do. Well, keep bumbling along coz we all think you’re great, too! Love the cookbook – such a hoot!
As our old friend Yukon Cornelius always sez’, “Didn’t I ever tell you about Bumbles? Bumbles bounce”!! Quite fitting me thinks.
Hi there, long time lurker here, first time poster.
I wanted to say, that from my perspective, your dating adventures are great. You’re putting yourself out there to meet people – we cant really do more than that. Frankly that’s awesome. You have some great stories, and are not passively sitting around at home. You are my dating hero. Stay awesome.
Your dating hero. Ha! I’ll take it
I suspect those were just Datebots.
Sorry to hear about your dating pains– I’m going through the same things, on Bumble too. Dating sucks, but I’m sure you’ll find a winner!
Ha! If you go back through the archives you’ll see why I’m not hopeful.
Piss on those guys! They sound like a couple of douches, I think they must have met each other. You will find someone when you least expect it. Go to funeral homes, I met a really great gut there once. This dish sounds really good but I think there are some things I would add like chop the lettuce! Give my love to M & B!
That looks like a great book, even for the design/pictures alone!
I am planning on making some other dishes from it very soon. It contains recipes from famous restaurants, too!