Logically, it seems as though Kentucky Derby Day should be Mint Julep Day. But I guess since the Derby is on a different day every year…? Anyway, according to our friends at Foodimentary, it’s Mint Julep Day!
I think I’ve only ever had a proper julep once. When I lived in Richmond, VA. There is a very, very cool restaurant called The Tobacco Company that served a really, really good one–with the crushed ice and the big sprig on mint. Like that drink to the right —————->
Yum. That joint also used to have honest-to-God cigarette girls. I assume that they no longer do since you can’t smoke anywhere anymore. That’s also the spot where my brother and I hung out for the beginning of Hurricane Isabel and watched street signs fly down Cary Street until we realized how screwed we were. We weren’t prepared at all with batteries, candles, water, etc. We didn’t have power for 5 days. It was the best. time. ever.
Not. But I do want to go visit Richmond again. It’s a really neat little city. Good restaurants. Pretty buildings.
Anyway, in honor of this day, I thought I’d share a Mint Julep recipe that I’m dying to make. Well, two recipes. These both come from the Here’s How! by Stouffer’s cocktail book:

I even have a Julep cup–an authentic Kentucky Colonel cup. Lookie!
It was my Pap Pap’s (as was the cocktail book). I have no idea how he got it. I don’t think that he would have been a Colonel, although this is what it says about the honor in wikipedia:
The honor has been given to a broad variety of notable people – including various celebrities, artists, writers, athletes, performers, businesspersons, U.S. and foreign politicians, and members of foreign royal families – some of whom have no obvious connection to Kentucky. It has also been bestowed upon various people who are not generally considered especially notable – they have been people from “all walks of life”,[1] although the selection process is intended to identify only those with a reputation for high moral standards and a record of “good works” accomplishments.
Only the Governor of Kentucky can appoint Colonels. So it’s possible…? Mum, do you know anything about this???
Anyway, since I have the cup there is no good reason to not make this recipe. I’ll give it a shot this summer. That is, if there is still Bourbon left. Did you hear that there’s going to be a massive shortage? I should start stocking up now!
Have an excellent weekend, kittens!
I vaguely remember a certificate along with the cup. But I have no idea what happened to it. Pap pap did indeed go to the Kentucky Derbyshire one year….maybe he won a drinking contest?