It’s Cher’s birthday! And in honor of this special day, I am sharing the recipe for one of her own dishes. It’s from this cookbook:
(I totally want a copy!)
Although this recipe could have just as easily come from this one:
You may remember Singers & Swingers from when I made the Rolling Stones’ Hot Dogs on the Rocks. There’s Sonny & Cher on the cover. What groovy recipe do you think was included in the scene-makers cookbook?
Anyway, here’s Cher’s Meatballs. I am sure that there are a lot of tucking jokes that could go here, especially involving Chad Michaels. But I’m not feeling particularly punny at the moment.

But you know what I am feeling?
Super-duper excited because I just pre-ordered Twin Peaks–The Entire Mystery. It’s a Blu-Ray transfer of the entire series, the feature film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, other special features and (get this!) 90 MINUTES OF NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN FOOTAGE. I was so excited my head nearly fell off.
Here is the trailer:
Two words: DAVID. BOWIE.
OMG. So. Frickin’. Excited.
But it’s not coming out until July 29th.
So in the meantime, I am going to celebrate Twin Peaks Tuesdays. I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.
Speaking of wonderful and strange…hit it, Cher!
[…] last year I posted Cher’s recipe for Hawaiian Meatballs American Style; this year I decided to make […]
I so want that cookbook too!!! xx
Watching Twin Peaks was about the only thing that brought my mother any joy near the end of her life. She loved it, and forced everyone she could to watch it.
Cher looks wasted. I mean, on drugs, not malnourished wasted. Maybe both. The meatballs sound OK, maybe with some rice. Would have been elegant in the early 70’s. It reminds me of something, or maybe it reminds me of everything-there was a fair bit of faux Polynesian cookery around at the time.
Can’t wait for the TPT. I imagine there’ll be diner-style pie?
I will bake a pie. Although I am not good at baking. I am sorry to hear about your mother, but I must say that she had very good taste.
Twin Peaks! OMG I loved that show. The last season went to hell and that movie was horrid – adjacent. But that it still doesn’t detract from the mastery of the earlier seasons. Luv how they had a few guys from West Side Story in it.
Cher really looks disinterested. I hope the meat balls we more fun than she looks like she is having.