Oh, what a wonderful day to be alive! Who doesn’t like a good peanut butter sandwich? Aside from those allergic to the peanut, of course.
I actually brought peanut butter and jelly into work today to make a PB&J for my breakfast. I’m celebrating in style! Here is today’s sandwich:

And of course, it wouldn’t be Peanut Butter and Jelly Day without RuPaul’s “Peanut Butter.” Must be jelly cuz jam don’t shake, indeed!
WARNING: video includes gratuitous footage of booty dropping and ass-shaking. As well as an earworm.
Twerk it, Ru!
P.S. if you’ve ever wondered what fantastical calendar it is that I use to know which National This or That Day it is, it’s FOODIMENTARY. It is a really cool website full of fun facts and food history. I highly recommend it.
This is magnificent. All of it.
It really is. Ru can do no wrong in my eyes.