OMG you guys. Did everyone watch Behind the Candelabra?
Um, if you didn’t you need to get on some HBO ASAP or find someone who subscribes and then watch the shit out of it.
How can you not?
Behind the Candelabra has this:

and this:



Yeah, in case you don’t remember, Mr. Lowe starred in another one of my favorite TV movies looking like this:

That man has range! Where is his goddamned Emmy?
Anyway, here’s the big question: how do the TV execs know when I’ll be home for a visit so I can watch big TV movies wtih my mum? They gave us the chance to watch the Lindsay Lohan train wreck that is Liz & Dick over Thanksgiving, and for Memorial Day we got Michael Douglas in an assortment of wigs and a lot of Matt Damon tushie. Thank you, Steven Soderbergh!
The movie features a lot, I mean A LOT of caftans:

So the only logical step was for me and my mum (a.k.a Blondonna), to drink cocktails and wear caftans during our viewing party!

Liberace Cocktail
In shot glass combine:
- 1/3 Kahlua
- 1/3 milk
- 1/3 Bacardi 151
Light on fire. Let burn. Blow out. Cool for a few seconds. Shoot.

It was tasty. To quote my Aunt Marie (as she described a Brandy Alexander): it tastes like candy! My brother had one the next day and described it as an “old man drink.” Well, yeah it’s an old man drink–a flaming old man drink!
Here is the trailer to whet your palate (as if the photos above weren’t enough):
And, as an extra-added bonus, here is Brian GIVING FACE. Evil, evil face.

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This is a Throwback Thursday of sorts.
I was sick yesterday, so I was home, high on Dayquil and napping. I thought that it would be a good time to start watching “House of Cards,” but WOW that knocked me out. I’ve heard such good things, I guess I’ll have to give it another try, but damn, that was as good as college basketball (as nap-inducing television programming goes).
But I digress. In order to keep our week-long Liberace Celebration keepin’ on, I’m just re-posting something from last year summer.
But it’s a good one! (Matt Damon in a Speedo) And now you’ll have the absolute perfect cocktail to toast Lee on Friday.
And speaking of tomorrow–tomorrow I will have a brand, spanking new dish for you, from “Liberace Cooks!” So stay tuned.
Until tomorrow, kittens!
[…] So good for you Mary Pickford that your cocktail is a good one! Dare I say, it’s even better than Liberace’s? […]
[…] I couldn’t give you a good reason as to why I chose the Heaven Hill. It was cheaper than some of the others, but not the bottom of the bottom shelf. I used the Bacardi 151 because it was in the house from when my mum and I made the flaming Liberaces. […]
Loved the movie too! And digging the mom-daughter caftan pic. Just pure awesomeness.
Right, I’m petitioning all Australian tv networks to show this immediately. I need to see it! And I’ll be drinking your cocktail when I do! xx
Check and see–it may be coming to the theater. They deemed the movie “too gay” (whatever that means), so it was on HBO in the states. I know that it is getting a theatrical release throughout Europe.
I hope you get to see it!
Soderbergh said he was retiring from film making after this one. Hope not. Thank somebody for HBO because nobody else wanted a part of it.
I find it odd that the studios passed because they thought it was “too gay.” That befuddles me.
I bet that Soderbergh is retiring the way that Cher retires–he’ll be back.
OMG look at the hair! I wonder if the hair dressers/stylists could keep a straight face when getting these guys ready.
I watched it. It is awesome. Worth 10 years worth of premium cable charges just to watch Rob Lowe for the 5 minutes or so he appears.
But let’s all agree that nothing will ever top his Drew Peterson!
I haven’t seen it. I need to rush right home and put a search on TiVo.
You need to. It is a Lifetime classic.
Wow, that cocktail sounds amazing! I’m sorry I missed the movie..
damn, we look cute in our caftans!
This film is in cinemas in London THIS WEEK and I am going in a kaftan for sure and having a Liberace coctail after. What the fuff is Bacardi 151 and where can I get me some?
Bacardi 151 is a rum with a really high alcohol content–hence, why you can ignite it.
Let me know how you like the film!
Seriously, I have a caftan… Where was the phone call? I guess you need some sort of bat signal, maybe in the shape of a martini glass. I would come running…
Is it the caftan that you bought on The Avenue during your visit?