Yes, it’s true. May 9th celebrates the little crustacean known as the shrimp.
Today, let’s observe the holiday by looking back on 3 shrimptastic dinners from the DiS! card set. Click on the photos to read more!

This dinner was notable for actually being a brunch. And also because I prepared it in honor of my friends Melissa and Trey’s nuptuals. Oh, and good news, they’re still married. Mazel!

This was on OK dinner–saved by my creative plating (pretty, right?). But the post was absolutely inspired because of the random Paul Lynde references. I don’t know why. He just popped into my head and I couldn’t get him out of there.
Click on over for the dinner, but stay for the company.
And speaking of Paul Lynde, here’s his (entire) 1976 Halloween Special. The Paul Lynde Halloween Special! I think it should be required viewing for everyone and anyone who says that they love kitsch. However, I suggest that one does so under the influence of a control substance. I’ve never seen the whole thing. I think I’ll save it for October.
But you want to watch it because there’s a Special Performance by KISS! (No. Really. KISS.)
And Betty White. (Of course.)
Oh, and maybe at one point Paul Lynde is wearing a studded outfit that makes him look like a hybrid of the leather guy and the sailor in the Village People.
Go to 15:20!

This was one of my first dinners. And if I remember correctly, it wasn’t bad–the actual Shrimp Creole, that is. Number 54 also contains one of the most disgusting things that has ever come out of my kitchen–something that I actually described as “Satan’s Shamrock Shake.”
You totally want to see what that is, right? Go check it out!
At least it’s not National Shrimper Day
You’ve simply GOT to watch the whole Paul Lynde Special. The last musical number caused me to go into a laughter coma. Seriously, I laughed so hard I peed myself, fell off the chair and was rendered paralyzed with my mouth open in an hysterical laughter scream. Good for whatever ails ya…