If you are a regular reader of DiS! I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I’m a big RuPaul’s Drag Race and Sharon Needles fan. So for this season there was no doubt who I’d be rooting for–ALASKA! She’s not only from Pittsburgh, she’s Sharon’s boyfriend!

And although she was read earlier in the series for being a Sharon knock-off, as the competition has progressed, Alaska has proven herself to be an awesome queen in her own right. If nothing else, she had my favorite line of the series:
And I truly do think that she possesses the charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent to be America’s Next Drag Superstar. Plus, she deserves to win just for her perfume commercial:
But even if Alaska doesn’t win (alas, she won’t–Jinkx will), I want Logo to give Alaska and Sharon a reality show. Sure, it would just be them performing at the Blue Moon, drinking Pabst at Howlers, stumbling down Liberty Avenue, and buying cigarettes at the Baum Boulevard Get Go, but I would still watch the shit out of that show.
Here is Alaska at the finale red carpet:
I particularly like this look because I have the same sunglasses:

Which I stole from a Snatch Game performance last spring at Cattivo. I bet ya 10 bucks that Alaska was one of the contestants. I wonder if that’s where she got hers, too?
Anyway, just like I did Chicken a la Drag Queen for last year’s finale, I had to bust out a little something for season 5. So I consulted my favorite Pittsburgh cookbook, Mama’s Recipes: A Treasury of Hungarian-American Foods, and found a recipe for BAKED ALASKA.
Surprise, surprise (not). I had to make some changes because of the Safeway. In this case, they were out of those individual shortbread cups so I used some ladyfingers that were in my freezer (yes, that is the kind of shit I keep in my freezer). But for the rest of it, I stuck to the recipe.
I was ready for this to be a hot mess. I mean, putting ice cream in a 450 degree oven sounds like a recipe for disaster (ha).
But look!
It worked. This actually worked! And I would totally make this again, because, since I can make the meringue in my KitchenAid, this is super-easy. But totally impressive right?
This was a surprising success–much like Miss Alaska. Good luck, Alaska! I’ll be rooting for you tonight, you fabulous Yinzer queen!

Also, I just want to share this fabulous interview that Sharon did last summer in which she raves about Pittsburgh. Everything she says is spot-on. Including:
Like a true Pittsburgher, I don’t remember anything past 8:00pm. We are the City of Champions, and by champions, I mean alcoholics.
It makes me long for my hometown. Read it HERE.
Those split ladyfingers look like wee hot dog buns. I think you should come up with some kind of ersatz “weenie” dessert.
Holy shit. They do.
Veg, you are a genius.
I love Miz Alaska! Too bad they can’t use her full name on Drag Race 😉 As a former Pittsburgher I would also watch the FUCK out of a reality show based on Sharon and Alaska. That Get Go was where I used to get gas (I miss all the Giant Eagle gas discounts). And wow! I can’t believe I didn’t make the connection…Baked Alaska was my favorite dessert as a kid, my mother used to make it all the time (yeah, she was the Martha Stewart of the 70’s). She used brownies as a base, and mint chocolate chip ice cream in the middle, no fruit. It was SCRUMMY yummy. Here’s a link about it: http://thedinerofcville.com/2010/12/29/baked-alaska-and-peanut-butter-cookies/
Now I need to go look for my old recipe and make it….thanks for the memory!
OK, your Baked Alaska sounds amazeballs. AMAZEBALLS!
We’re not the only ones who would watch that show. I think I need to get the LOGO programming people on the phone.
It IS amazeballs LOL….kinda craving some now 😉 And just tell me contact info for Logo and me and my posse will start bombarding them…..would be a GREAT show. Low rent realness.
“Low Rent Realess.” With guest appearances by the Haus of Haunt and Marsha Monster Mallow!
Let’s get a petition started.
Now I wish I had a Kitchen-Aid. This looks tasty, and seems a lot easier than I would have guessed.
You absolutely need a kitchenaid. I’ve used mine for bread, pizza dough, meringue, cake batter, granola bars etc. If you have a partner in your life, just convince them that you will never be able to make them a sandwich again because the kitchenaid is just that useful. Great deals can be had on eBay – and just like cars, they come with bigger or smaller engines but you can’t tell by looking. Check the listing – bigger power is better!
And now you own one!
Granted, it only works on two settings.
And is missing the bowl.
And all of the attachments.
But you have one!