Dear friends,
I am sorry that so many of you were distressed and upset by the Browns content of #73 Lasagna. Just remember that, after a Steelers game, you are not on the floor in the fetal position wearing a Bubby Brister jersey lamenting the fact that you have never seen your team win a Super Bowl.
Let’s have some empathy, people.
Here is Cleve trying his hardest to return the favor. Although that smile is veering on a grimace.
Dear Dad,
I thought that you would be more accepting. Alas, Cleve and I must again hide our forbidden love from an uncaring and ununderstanding world.
P.S. Are we still invited to Thanksgiving?
By now you are probably packed and on your way so. . . okay.
Drive carefully, sweetie.
Your loving and ever so understanding father.
You fallen angel! I can hold my tongue no longer. Being “bi-franchised” is a sin against nature and all of Steeler-kind. You have broken the First Commandment: “The Steelers are thy team. Thou shalt not worship false football teams before thee.” You are hereby condemned to a life of fan mediocrity until such time as you again praise the almighty black and gold. You should be ASHAMED!!!!!!
I support you, and your bi-franchise-ness. I don’t judge.
Nuthin’ but love… and tasty lasagna.